_The October edition│2024 of our Newsletter has the following highlights:
– B3 conducts a new public consultation to revise the rules of the Novo Mercado trading segment
– STF rejects income tax charge on donor for advance inheritance
_B3 conducts a new public consultation to revise the rules of the Novo Mercado trading segment
In October, B3 launched the second public consultation regarding updates to the Novo Mercado Regulation, aiming to gather new contributions for the evolution proposal of the rules applicable to companies listed in this special segment.
The first public consultation with initial proposed changes was presented by B3 in May of this year, and some points faced criticism from law firms, public companies, and market representatives.
Given the high number of interactions and expressions from the market, along with the quality of the debate, B3 deemed it appropriate to hold a second public consultation, incorporating amendments to the original proposal. This will be the last opportunity for interested parties to submit their proposals before the closed hearing, during which listed companies in the segment will vote on the final proposal, which will also be subject to CVM approval.
Below, we highlight the main changes introduced in the second public consultation.
- Novo Mercado “Alert” and List of Situations
In its first public consultation, B3 proposed the inclusion of the Novo Mercado “Under Review” label for companies involved in relevant events that may require a swift action by B3. This does not necessarily refer to situations linked to any irregular practice but could simply be the consequence of an adverse economic scenario.
Thus, in its initial proposal, B3 considered that the occurrence of the following events would warrant the inclusion of the “under review” label:
- Disclosure of a relevant fact indicating the possibility of a material error in financial information, including those related to fraud;
- Delay of more than 30 days in delivering financial information;
- Report from independent auditors with a modified opinion;
- Request for judicial recovery in Brazil or equivalent procedures in another country;
- Inability to keep the statutory director in function due to incarceration or death, without disclosing a substitute or succession plan for more than 7 business days;
- Environmental disaster involving the company; or
Disclosure of a relevant fact regarding: (a) fatal accident involving employees or service providers of the company while performing their duties that is not accompanied by an action plan; or (b) the existence of labor practices that violate human rights within the company’s operational scope.
In light of the significant number of responses regarding the issue, in its second public consultation, B3 proposed changing the name to Novo Mercado “Alert” to clarify that it is merely an informational measure, without excluding the company from the Novo Mercado, and also reduced the list of situations warranting the label to only include the events listed in items (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) above. Additionally, it proposed the possibility of prior expression from the Company subject to the label’s inclusion, as well as the introduction of a procedure for the company to disclose the alert issued by B3.
- Limitation of participation in boards of directors
In its first public consultation, B3 proposed that managers of Novo Mercado companies could dedicate themselves to a maximum of five boards of directors of public companies.
Considering the contributions received, in its second public consultation, B3 maintained the limit of five boards and proposed the following changes:
- Positions held in the boards of directors and management of companies will be counted as a single position in the case of: (i.1) controlling, controlled, or commonly controlled companies; (i.2) that have their annual consolidated financial statements; or (i.3) part of the same group of companies, as defined in the Corporations Law; and
- The CEO or main executive holding a position on the board of directors of the company itself will be counted as a single position.
- Limit on terms for independent directors
In the first public consultation, B3 proposed a limitation of 10 consecutive years for a director to be considered independent in the same company. However, in light of the received comments, B3 proposed increasing the duration to consider the board member independent until the 12th year of service on the board.
- Reliability of Financial Statements
Regarding the reliability of financial statements, B3 had proposed that, in the annual management report, declarations regarding the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls be presented by the CEO and the CFO, as well as the disclosure of a review report issued by an independent audit firm attesting the evaluation made by the management.
In the second public consultation, the proposal is to maintain the declaration regarding the effectiveness of internal controls, which may be presented in the annual management report, in the reference form, or in a separate document, allowing each company to choose the format that best suits it. Regarding the assurance report by an independent audit firm, B3 opted to withdraw it from the proposal.
- Sanctions
B3 had proposed in its first public consultation the possibility of applying a penalty, by itself, of disqualification at the end of a sanctioning process initiated due to violations of the inspection and control rules, along with an increase in fines.
However, concerning the disqualification penalty, the main criticisms were, in summary, that (i) such a measure should not be applied within the context of voluntary self-regulation, (ii) the measure would be contradictory as it would only apply to the Novo Mercado segment, (iii) B3 would not have the authority for its application; and (iv) the costs with D&O insurance and indemnity agreements would be high.
Considering this scenario, B3 withdrew from the proposal the creation of the disqualification penalty and the alteration of fine amounts. It is part of the proposal, however, the modification of the monetary correction criterion for fines, which is currently done annually by the variation of the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA), to the positive annual variation of the Interbank Deposit (DI) rate.
- Arbitration – Market Chamber
Finally, B3 maintained its initial proposal for flexibility in utilizing other arbitration chambers to resolve conflicts involving listed companies and proposes that the criteria for accrediting other chambers be approved by the B3 board of directors.
Updates on public consultations can be accessed through the following link: https://www.b3.com.br/pt_br/regulacao/regulacao-de-emissores/atuacao-normativa/revisao-dos-regulamentos-dos-segmentos-especiais-de-listagem.htm
_ STF rejects income tax charge on donor for advance inheritance
In a judgment held on October 23, 2024, the 1st Panel of the Superior Federal Court (STF) unanimously rejected an appeal from PGFN – the Federal Attorney General’s Office, which sought to impose income tax on donations of assets and rights, valued at market price, made by a taxpayer to his children as an inheritance advance.
The case was analysed under Special Appeal No. 1.439.539/RS, filed against a decision by the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF-4), which had denied the incidence of income tax. PGFN argued that the tax should be applied to the donor’s increase in wealth, i.e., between the difference of the acquisition of the assets value and the value attributed to them at the time of the donation.
The reporting minister, Mr. Flávio Dino, stated that the TRF-4’s decision is in line with STF jurisprudence, which establishes that the triggering event for income tax is the actual increase in wealth, which did not occur in the case at hand. This is because, in the case of an inheritance advance, the donor’s wealth is reduced, not increased, which makes the tax imposition unjustified.
Furthermore, Dino emphasized that this type of transfer of wealth is already subject to the Inheritance and Donation Tax (ITCMD), a tax under the jurisdiction of states. He states in his vote that the imposition of income tax on the advance on inheritance would result in double taxation, which violates the constitutional principles of isonomy and proportionality.
The decision is important in the current context as it reaffirms STF’s jurisprudence, ensuring legal security for those who may wish to advance inheritance, as well as confirming the understanding that the appreciation of the donated asset is already taxed under ITCMD.
For more details about the ruling, refer to: https://noticias.stf.jus.br/postsnoticias/stf-rejeita-cobranca-de-imposto-de-renda-de-doador-sobre-adiantamento-de-heranca/